Life...or something like it
Daily observations, rants, moods, feelings of Life...or something like it.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Good Body
I was supposed to go to the theater tonight to see The Good Body.
I always ask the same girlfriend to go to plays with me - it seems to be our thing that we do together. Our plan was that she would pick me up and we would go somewhere for dinner at 6 p.m. and then go the the show for 8 p.m.
Our evening started out okay but just about when we were finishing our dinner she spilled coffee down the front of her blouse and white pants, a considerable amount. She didn't show it at first but she became quite "unglued." I've known her for more than 20 years and have never seen her this way. She did it quietly, quietly tears running down her cheeks and you could tell that it ruined her night. She was just so pissed at herself. We were near a Target and went it to buy a stain stick but the stain was so large there was no way of erasing it. Then she attempted to buy a long shirt to cover the stain and although for the most part it worked you could see that her night was ruined. Again, I've never seen her like this before.
It got to the point where she said she 'just can't do it." I'm sure she was afraid of disappointing me and I certainly wasn't feeling disappointment at the time, just concern for why she let the coffee ruin her night in such a way that she was unrecognizable to me. I think she was hugely disappointed. I won the tickets and we were both very excited to go to the show and if I had enough to time get their on my own I would have done that but by the time she drove me home I didn't have enough time to get there without missing part of the play.
On the ride home I could see her bottom lip quivering - she really let this get to her and said "I start each day this way." I asked why. She has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday as a follow up and is having a possible cancer scare. Well, she hasn't let on how serious this might be, or not, or that she simply herself was worried or scared. Again, she doesn't let this side of herself show normally so this was all a shock to me tonight.
So when she dropped me off I asked if she wanted company at home - I figured we'd open a bottle of wine and talk our hearts out - but she seemed to want to go off by herself.
Unfortunately, and she knew this and I didn't, it's the last night of this show. I think she herself was more disappointed than me and it added to her unhappiness.
We just don't know what people are going through sometimes or how they may be really feeling, no matter how close we are to them.
So when I got home my daughter was surprised to see me and happened to be on the phone with my mom who was surprised to know that I was back home. So we chatted and I told her what happen and she said, a mosquito bite would have put her over the edge tonight - just not in her normal frame of mind. And added, it wasn't meant to be tonight. Gotta love moms.
BUT she was right. I hated to see my friend go home by herself but respected that she needed to be alone. I just hated the thought of her feeling miserable and wanting to go home and be more miserable...alone. However, I will schedule the next show in the Summer series and its Mihalia.
Mihalia is a gospel musical starring Frenchie Davis, the cast off from American Idol with a powerhouse of a voice. It wasn't our first choice but maybe in some way it will bring some spiritual peace to my friend. I think it will be cool and like mom said, tonight wasn't meant to be, but maybe the gospel play in some freakish way is considering how my friend has been feeling.
Peace all.
Friday, July 27, 2007
How I Really Feel Friday - The Horizon
Happy Friday Friends!
The boyfriend is away for the weekend for an annual golf trip. I'm looking forward to the alone time because I have a week before my vacation and I need to get organized. My mom, dad, sister, niece, daughter and I are going on a cruise.
That being said, it looks as if dad is having some health issues that would need to be taken care of. My sister and I have had some lengthy discussions about it and she feels he will be stubborn and opt not to pay attention to any of it. She feels he won't go in for open heart having had it before and now knowing what to expect and being that much older. Each time we discuss it I mostly listen to her because I know she's right and at the same time I find it incredibly depressing but don't express that to her because I am the strong one and will need to be when she caves. She has all the medical connections because of her job so right now she's feeling it from a medical perspective and not quite yet from the human perspective. Depressed because he's too young to ignore and if he has this stuff taken care of before he's symptomatic he will fare much better.
I myself have been loaded with various doctor appointments and last week missed an important one because of the dead battery in the car. That one will be at a later date but meanwhile today the G.I. doc that I was referred to see by my regular doc, for preliminary stuff before an endoscope tells me that he'll need to do an endoscope and a colonoscopy. Oh good fun! "I'm not 50!" I declared. He laughed and told me I'll have a free pass for 5 years or more. Honestly the endoscope scared me more than the colonoscopy. As the lady who scheduled it said, "You're going to be double-dipped!"
A short while ago I called my mom to tell her about my appointment and she told me she received a report in the mail from my dad's doc and didn't know how to interpret it. She pretty much stated what my sister has feared, that at this age he won't go in for surgery. I see an intervention on the horizon.
All this medical talk aside, I feel is take each day at a time and cherish every moment.
I would just hate to see (both) my parents make a silly decision that would cut short an otherwise long(er) life.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Downward Spiral

Lindsay Lohan arrested again
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Five days after being booked in connection with a May drunk driving charge, actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested early Tuesday morning on five charges -- including drunk driving and possession of a controlled substance, Santa Monica police told CNN.
Police spokeswoman Calisse Lindsey said police stopped Lohan as she tried to drive out of a parking facility around 1:30 a.m. as she was leaving a party.
The officers smelled alcohol and administered a field sobriety test, which Lohan failed, Lindsey said.
When taken to the police station, the 21-year-old actress registered 0.12 and 0.13 in another test for alcohol levels, the spokeswoman said.
Officers also found a white powdery substance in Lohan's possession which tested positive for opiates, Lindsey said.
Lohan, whose film "I Know Who Killed Me" releases Friday, was charged with two counts of driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance, bringing a controlled substance into a jail facility, and driving on a suspended license, according to Lindsey.
As of Tuesday morning, she was still in the Santa Monica jail, waiting for her $25,000 bail to be paid, she said.
Last Thursday, Lohan was booked into the Beverly Hills jail on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and misdemeanor hit and run stemming from an incident in May.
Lohan's stay was only 45 minutes long. She posted a $30,000 bond and was released, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Web site.
The actress is scheduled to be back in the Beverly Hills Courthouse on August 24 to face her charges.
Early on the morning of May 25, Lohan lost control of her 2005 Mercedes Benz convertible and struck a curb. She received treatment for minor injuries at Century City Doctors hospital, where police cited and arrested her, but then released her on the misdemeanor charges.
Lohan checked out a Malibu rehab treatment center two weeks ago.
Friday, July 20, 2007
How I Really Feel Friday - Lovin' the car
It was such a beautiful day today...when I left work I took the top off and drove home and was feeling like "KING SHIT."
Added Bonus: It gets great gas mileage. This little thing is 12 years old with 60,000 original miles on it!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
If it wasn't for BAD LUCK....
...I wouldn't have any luck at all!
I left my desk at 12:30 p.m. for a doctor's visit. Get out to my car and the battery is DEAD. DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL! So I call the doctor's office to alert them that I won't be there for my 1:00 p.m. appointment but it's the lunch hour and I'm sure they won't hear the message until they wonder why I'm not there like I should be.
On the bright side: I've been taking a detour into work every morning...getting off the highway and making a pit stop in the town I grew up in to stop at their Starbucks to get a cappuccino. Because after all, only Starbucks can make a bangin' cappuccino. So this has been going on for the past 2-1/2 weeks or so since I've been driving my "new old car."
This morning I realized, it's more than the coffee. This big, wonderful, gentle soul of a man (much younger man) makes my cappuccinos and he has the warmest, sweetest personality and I realized that his greeting every morning, especially this morning, like a "surprised, happy to see you" greeting makes the trip complete and worthwhile. Now he's not hard on the eyes but ITS NOT THAT! He just has the warmest, sweetest soul and enjoys his job and makes my 'already happy that I'm getting a cappuccino morning' even happier with his soft demeanor. I think I was enjoying driving my 'new old little car' a little too much this morning, coveted that Starbuck's cappuccino and euphoric over the smiling, hunky, sweet clerk and singing the Michael Buble song "You're My Everything" big and loud and basically enjoying the little things in life a little too much this morning....yup! and then Wham! a little reality to put me back in my place.
Friday, July 13, 2007
How I Really Feel Friday
Ye-ha the weekend is here! I wish I had no plans this weekend!
Met with the Cardiologist after work today. This was one of the things that came out of the annual physical a few weeks back. The cardiologist said everything looks and sounds good but with do an echocardiogram on Tuesday to make sure the hypertension hasn't damaged the heart. I've worked in health care 18 years and didn't know high blood pressure would damage your heart.
Anyway I'm looking forward to that appointment to get this all over with.
Of course, unrelated, the annual WAZOO doctor appointment is tomorrow. I guess I've got it coming at all ends.
The beau's mom is doing pretty good, having just lost her husband a little over 10 days ago. The beau has done anything and everything in the way of paperwork for her so she doesn't have to do it, running to Town Hall to get a copy of their marriage certificate to file for social security, etc. She is very greatful and I must say, almost all of her children (and spouses) are wonderful and always have done everything they can for their parents, maybe with the exception of one.
My kid has been driving herself around and working. For those parents who have a future driver - let me tell you that adding her to my auto insurance and her being a primary driver of a vehicle will now cost me $1193 each additionally each 6 months. Ouch!
So doctor's appointment on the way home tonight, doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, dinner tomorrow with the beau's family, grad party on Sunday about an hour's drive away. All I really want to do is get something done at home before Monday turns around and bites me in the ass.
Wishing everyone a blissful weekend!
Friday, July 06, 2007
How I Really Feel Friday - Funeral Friday
Today is the service for the beau's dad. We've been l0oking through photographs the past evenings and the family has been walking down memory lane. Remembering the good times and sharing the sad times of family strife.
A sister that predeceased the entire family which makes this especially difficult for her son, their nephew.
But what I can tell you is this...the family has shared a lot of love and the patriarch of the family had a nice long full life.
Today should be a day of celebration - to celebrate a long, wonderful life.
Go and hug a loved one and have a happy weekend! Peace.